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You are therefore in possession of the second part devoted to this terrifying weapon that the Stuka was in its time. After a successful test in Poland, the weapon would prove its purpose on the battlefield in the West. As we know, it was a success. And the allied DCA of the time was not Flak; not to mention the Allied fighter which, although overwhelmed by the scale of the Luftwaffe attacks, was able to achieve some successes against the Stukas, successes which already revealed the vulnerability of the dive bomber. So no, the Stuka was not a miraculous weapon, it was simply a question of the good use of a weapon in a rather favorable context. We often mention the Stuka siren which terrorized the populations and the allied troops. Certainly, this was the case during certain attacks and this is essentially what was retained and above all spread. However, there are numerous photographs showing that the staff very willingly got rid of this equipment... the effectiveness of which must therefore not have been as radical as subsequently reported. The Stuka still remains a legendary weapon today, inseparable from the Blitzkrieg waged by the 3rd Reich. The author, through his story, shows us that reality must be nuanced because the losses suffered by the Stuka units were not negligible; just like those suffered by other Luftwaffe units, even in a context of almost total victory. Good reading ! Michel Ledet.