The Ardennes Fighter Squadron is a separate unit in the Air and Space Force organization chart. In 2023, he celebrates his 80th birthday. It seemed appropriate to us to take advantage of this anniversary to retrace its history.
The unit was disbanded and recreated several times. Only the BR 44 Escadrille, attached late to the squadron, has its origins in the Great War. It was in 1943 that wild boars appeared. If the Ardennes is not, for a question of chronology, an F.A.F.L. unit, the majority of personnel share the spirit. They write the first pages of glory on P-47. During Operation 700 in Suez, the Wild Boars operate on F-84F. The Mirage 5F will not have the opportunity to shine in external theaters of operations, but its successor, the Jaguar, will do so successfully. The Mirage 2000D was part of all the Opex and the know-how of the Ardennes is closely associated with this mount. In this work, with 320 pages, more than 740 photos and 16 color profiles, you will perceive what makes up the soul of this Squadron, summed up so perfectly in its motto: “Neither retreat nor deviate”