Where will the coastal batteries be located and how will they be organized? What will be their role in the British raid of March 1942 and the time of the Pocket of Saint-Nazaire? Why will the city of Saint-Nazaire be nicknamed "Flak City" by the Americans? How do German DCA batteries work and where will they be installed? With what types of planes will the Allies bomb the port of Saint-Nazaire? How much will they lose in their operations against the city? What new missions will be given to the German DCA after August 15, 1944? What remains today to see of these old marine batteries? Why will Kriegsmarine surface ships be sent to Saint-Nazaire? What will be their role, especially in the face of the English attack? Why do English planes go several times a month to fly over the Saint-Nazaire harbor? What will be the German response to these operations? Where will the Germans decide to store their mines under cover? How will almost all German ships stationed in the region be destroyed in August 1944? What will happen to the crews of the buildings stuck in the harbor after the encirclement of the region by the Allies? How will Kriegsmarine communicate with distant headquarters? What will be the daily life of these German sailors in the region? In May 1945 what will mean for the French Navy the code name "Operation Eclipse"? So many questions to which this book, illustrated by 350 photos and plans, punctuated by 30 testimonials, will try to answer ...