The Fighter Group III / 7 was certainly not the unit that won the largest number of wins during the dramatic period from September 1939 to June 1940. However, its pilots and ground staff were faced with the more determination they knew that their combat aircraft, the Morane-Saulnier M.S.406 exceeded. It is in a situation of permanent technical inferiority, often coupled with a numerical disadvantage, the GC III / 7 took part in the terrible battles in the skies over France.It is this story that tells us in his book Rémi Baudru. After meeting the actors of the time and their families, he reconstructed a poignant history of the existence of this unit, the life of these men and their struggles. The iconography is just amazing, perfectly illustrating a particularly lively text. Many photos are unpublished and rare beauty. The ensemble is completed twenty color profiles designed by Eric Schwartz edited by the author.So this is a first that offers Lela Presse in June 2015, for the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of France!