This new title is a full coverage of the colours & markings of all the Reggiane Fighters during the 2nd World War . The splendid colour profiles by Angelo Brioschi are a unique documentation that will prove specially useful to the modellers, (many new model kits of the Reggianes have been recently put on the market..). Moreover, thanks to the fully explicative captions of all the illustrations, this publication will be of great interest to the historians too. The Reggiane Re-2000, Re-2001, Re-2002 and Re-2005 are presented in the different military liveries adopted by the Italian Air Force, by the Luftwaffe and by the Swedish Air Force. This new 32-page monograph includes 50 specially-made profiles (based on photographs of the real aircraft), plus a very detailed 1/48 scale drawing of the Reggiane 2000. The text is bilingual (Italian and English).